CIG Wien

CIG Wien

Latest Episodes

Hermeneutics - Part 2
November 18, 2021

Welcome everybody to the second part of Nathan's class on Hermeneutics! This class is about how to read and interpret the bible and will only be taught in English - sorry. We also invite you to participate in this class in person, next thursday, at 6:30pm

The Altar of Incense - Der Räucheraltar
November 14, 2021

Welcome to an another amazing sermon by Pastor Rob! You can listen to this podcast episode but this time I would also recommend to watch the video on YouTube! Trust me, you won't regret it! Willkommen zu einer weiteren unglaublichen Predigt von Pastor Rob

Hermeneutics - Part 1
November 11, 2021

Welcome to the first part of Hermeneutics, by Nathan LaDuke. This series will take place every thursday in our young adults weekly for the next 3 weeks. So you can either wait for the next upload or join personally at CIG Wien! This series will only be ta

Lebensverändernde Zeugnisse / Life Changing Testimonies
November 07, 2021

Der heutige Gottesdienst war ein ganz besonderer, mit lebensverändernden Zeugnissen! Die Lebensgeschichten, die ihr hören werdet, sind einfach unglaublich! Gott ist gut!  Today's service was a special one, including life changing testimonies! The lif

Life Beyond The Veil - Leben jenseits des Vorhanges
October 31, 2021

Welcome to another episode - Today, on reformation day! Pastor Rob is going to talk about the life beyond the veil. Want to know what veil he is talking about, how to get on the other side and what is beyond the veil? Then hang on! Willkommen zu einer wei

The power of a mindset - Die Kraft einer Denkweise
October 24, 2021

Welcome to the continuation of the last sermon. Today's topic is the power of a mindset. You might even know a lot of different books on this topic but listen to Pastor Rob as he deals with this topic like no one has before.  Willkommen zur Fortsetzu

New Wine, New Wineskins - Neuer Wein, Neue Weinschläuche
October 17, 2021

Today's sermon is about new wine, new wineskins. Want to know what this title is about? Listen to Pastor Rob as he dives into part 1 of this small series.  Die heutige Predigt handelt von neuem Wein und neuen Weinschläuchen. Wenn du wissen willst, wa

How to practice God's peace? - Wie kann man den Frieden Gottes praktizieren?
October 10, 2021

Attention - risk of confusion! Today's speaker is Rob, but it's Rob Soprano, whose mother was a US Army Major in Vietnam and whose father worked on a moon mission. He is a great business man but also the father of 4 children. As you can imagine, he knows

Spiritual light/Moral light - Geistliches Licht/Moralisches Licht
October 03, 2021

Spiritual light vs. moral light. What is Pastor Rob even talking about? What is what? And what is the difference? This sermon is an eye-opener!  Geistliches Licht vs. moralisches Licht. Wovon redet Pastor Rob überhaupt? Was ist was? Und was ist der U

Childlike Faith - Kindlicher Glaube
September 26, 2021

Having a childlike faith. Does it mean to believe everything without questioning it? No, it means something and a lot more. Today's speaker, Pastor Rob, will explain, how important it is to have a childlike faith and what this means.  Einen kindliche
