19 minutes with Riki & Lea

19 minutes with Riki & Lea

Latest Episodes

Ep. 9 19 minutes with Riki & Lea Lost in France, Are there French rednecks
October 29, 2019

Riki Rachtman and Lea Vendetta motorcycle ride in France gets weird

Ep.8 From the Bullet Train in Paris France Subways ,Sex shows, Metal meat & lots of Fromage
September 23, 2019

Riki & Lea are n Paris Subways,Sex shows, Metal meat and lots of Fromage

Ep 7 Las Vegas ,North Carolina, Tomorrow we leave to France We are not ready
September 16, 2019

Riki & Lea get lucky in the Vegas airport, rant about Iron Maiden,name the kids & they should be packing

Ep 6 Riki & Lea begin the September to Remember Tour
September 10, 2019

Iron Maiden, Las Vegas, Paris, Dead Rabbits Ya know the typical topics

Ep. 5 THEY ARE BACK !!Getting ready for a Sept Tour,Iron Maiden review &other Rock shows, Darlington
August 29, 2019

Riki & Lea RETURN we leave tomorrow for a ride to South Carolina

19 Minutes with Riki & Lea Episode 4
April 18, 2019

Met the parents, fat rock stars and a tale of 2 Phils

19 minutes with Riki & Lea Episode 3
March 01, 2019

Meet the parents, Dick tattoos & how many is too many

19 minutes with Riki & Lea Episode 2
February 08, 2019

Much Ado about Tattoo's

19 minutes with Riki & Lea Episode 1
January 30, 2019

Who is Riki & Lea ? Why 19 minutes? Words you shouldn't say & JT
