19 Cats and Counting on Pet Life Radio (PetLifeRadio.com)

19 Cats and Counting on Pet Life Radio (PetLifeRadio.com)

19 Cats and Counting Episode 32 Peter Cohen, Founder of House of Nekko and Zen by Cat

July 12, 2021

We are thrilled to again welcome Peter Cohen, Founder of the non-profit Zen by Cat, as well as his kitty abode, House of Nekko (which means House of Cat). If you’ve visited the Zen by Cat Instagram or Facebook page, you’ve no doubt see how Peter’s 24 cats live in peace and tranquility in an environment that would make any cat drool with envy! Well, House of Nekko has been under renovation, giving the kitties and Peter a new space to hang our together.

Of course, the quest to help cat parents who need expensive treatment for FIP is Peter’s main focus. Did you know that Peter pays for those FIP Warrior T-shirts out of his own pocket? It’s only if a member donates that $10 a month for an entire year that Peter breaks even. That’s right, $9 (that’s 90%!) of each $10 monthly donation goes straight to the non-profit to help those FIP kitties! Join Linda and Rita as they discuss with Peter the House of Nekko, Peter’s loss of his favorite kitty, Cookie Monster, and how you can become an FIP Warrior and get that cool T-shirt! (Linda and Rita have one!)
