19 Cats and Counting on Pet Life Radio (PetLifeRadio.com)

19 Cats and Counting on Pet Life Radio (PetLifeRadio.com)

19 Cats and Counting Episode 30 Amman Ahmed, Co-founder of Relax My Cat (and Relax My Dog)

June 07, 2021

Started in 2011 by Amman Ahmed and Ricardo Henriquez, Relax My Cat and Relax My Dog were inspired by an incredibly cute dog called Rocky, and a cute cat called Mia. Ricardo and Mia both experienced a life of political unrest and violence in their local communities, leaving them less than relaxed.

Amman and Ricardo started making experimental music to see how it would help Mia and Rocky, and after loads of trial and error they now have a formula that works! RelaxMyCat.com and RelaxMyDog.com offers not just music, but also tv to help relax cats and dogs. The positive feedback they’ve received from the community shows that this music helps 85% of cats who’ve tried it. In fact, Relax My Cat has had a positive impact on over 10 million cats and dogs so far, including Rita and Linda’s cats. Listen as Rita and Linda introduce you to the wonderfully talented Amman Ahmed and find out how your cat can try Relax My Cat and Relax My Dog, too.
