Every Nation Tshwane Highveld PM

Every Nation Tshwane Highveld PM

Latest Episodes

Look at the world - Jaco Oldewage
April 02, 2023

“The gospel is the good news that God became man in Jesus Christ. He lived the life we should have lived and died the death we should have died—in our place. Three days later He rose from the dead, proving that He is the Son of God and offering the gift

The Word - Francois du Preez - Habits (AM)
March 28, 2023

What are the habits that form your life?

Prayer - Jaco Oldewage - Habits (AM)
March 20, 2023

What are the habits that form your life?

Generosity - Marinus Hayes - Habits (AM)
March 13, 2023

What are the habits that form your life?

Generosity - Marinus Hayes - Habits PM
March 12, 2023

What are the habits that form your life?

The Habit of Serving - Jaco Oldewage - Habits
March 06, 2023

What are the habits that form your life?

Habits - Fellowship - Marinus Hayes
February 26, 2023

What are the habits that form your life?

Raising Lazarus - Mauritz Zietsman - Miracles (AM)
February 20, 2023

Let Him be Known

Feeding the 5 000 - Marinus Hayes - Miracles (AM)
February 13, 2023

Let Him be Known.
