Every Nation Tshwane Highveld PM

Every Nation Tshwane Highveld PM

Latest Episodes

Encounters with Grace - Retief Burger - Grace*
June 27, 2021

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace towards me was not in vain. - 1 Corinthians 15:10 God is always leading us towards the cross, and He is leading us from the cross - Retief Burger shares on the grace of God that leads is in the way of

Grace is patient - Jaco Oldewage - Grace
June 20, 2021

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. - 2 Peter 3:9  God is always leading us towards the cross, and He is leading us f

An understanding of grace - Phillip Pretorius - Grace*
June 13, 2021

Phillip Pretorius shares a powerful message on grace and our deep dependency on the grace of God, for apart from it we would not be able to exist. He unpacks three understandings of grace - common grace, saving grace, and empowering grace.

Citywide Celebration service - Heino Vorster - An apostolic people
May 30, 2021

We are one church all across the city! And this Sunday Heino Vorster from our Rietondale church plant shared on our common identity and mission as a people of God. We have been chosen, set apart, and sent out to live for the praises of God!

The battle for the heart - Henk du Preez - Taken Captive
May 23, 2021

Henk du Preez concludes our #TakenCaptive sermon series with a powerful approach to the battle for our hearts. Henk starts his message with a counselling session setup speaking through real-life examples of battles we might be facing. Ultimately our heart

The battle of the mind - Jaco Oldewage - Take(n) Captive
May 16, 2021

During week 2 of our Taken Captive series Jaco Oldewage looked at the very real battle all of us face in the mind. Your brain processes the information you feed it and forms positions of truth in your mind (whether they are rooted in a truth or a lie). Th

The Battle For The One - Shaun Kinmont - Take(n) Captive Episode 1
May 09, 2021

It is easy to get taken captive by one's own thoughts, fears, or emotions. In episode 1 of this series Shaun Kinmont takes us through how Jesus battled for one person, and how we can receive the fruit of Living Water.

Joy through prayer - Finding Joy - Andre Louw
May 04, 2021

Week 4 of our series through Philippians. Andre Louw preaches a powerful word on how a life of prayer will lead us into deeper joy and ultimately a greater experience of God's peace in every area of our lives.

Joy through maturity - Finding Joy - Kylen Govindasamy
April 25, 2021

As we continue through the book of Philippians we continue to see that God purposes for us to have joy, but that it does come differently to how we might expect or even prefer. In week 3 Kylen Govindasamy shares on joy coming through maturity, that there

Joy through Suffering - Finding Joy - Marielle Louw
April 18, 2021

Finding Joy is our 4 week study through the book of Philippians. In chapter 2 we see what it means to find joy through suffering. Marielle preaches a powerful word on how the Gospel enables us to go through suffering times and even press into the sufferin
