Family Worship Centre Podcasts

Family Worship Centre Podcasts

Latest Episodes

The Just Shall live by Faith Pt 4: Faith Acts 2
July 04, 2023

The Just Shall live by Faith Pt 4: Faith Acts 2

The Just Shall Live by Faith Pt 3: Faith Acts
June 27, 2023

The Just Shall Live by Faith Pt 3: Faith Acts

The Just Shall Live by Faith Pt 2: Faith Speaks
June 27, 2023

The Just Shall Live by Faith Pt 2: Faith Speaks

The Just Shall Live by Faith pt 1: What is Faith
June 27, 2023

The Just Shall Live by Faith pt 1: What is Faith

The Next 30 Years pt4: Lets Go
June 27, 2023

Evangelism is not achieved in our comfort zone; you have to step out in order to achieve. In the next 30 years, we will be a church that will be vibrant in evangelism and soul winning.

210523-The Next 30 Years pt3 (Soul Winning made Easy)-Pstr. Sarah Omakwu
June 27, 2023

Wise Christians win souls for Jesus because that is what will last forever. Listen to Pastor Sarah Omakwu as she Teaches on this

The Next 30 years: Part 2-The Abundant Life
June 27, 2023

Evangelism is not what we do, it is who we are and why we are here. Find out more from this powerful message by Pastor Sarah Omakwu

Intentional Marriage and Family pt5: Be A Sweet Heart
March 21, 2023

To be a sweet heart is to be kind, tender hearted, genuinely loving, sympathetic, generous, considerate. Listen to this loving message by Pastor Wilson Akubo as he teaches on how to be a "sweet heart"

Intentional Marriage and Family pt4: Roles and Responsibilities
March 21, 2023

Management of the home is the greatest test of a man’s leadership. Find out more from this wonderful message from Pastor Wilson Akubo
