ちうちうトーク (an easy bilingual talk in Japanese and Thai)

ちうちうトーク (an easy bilingual talk in Japanese and Thai)

Latest Episodes

EP#48 言葉遊び・回文 (เล่นคำ/คำผวน)
June 25, 2023

This episode we are going to talk about wordplay (言葉遊びเล่นคำ) in Japanese and Thai languages.  Palindrome (回文) is one of different kinds of Japanese wordplay which are words or phrases that are read the same whether from front to back or back to front. Li

EP#47 タイフェスティバル 2023 in Tokyo!
June 05, 2023

Thai Festival in Tokyo is back! This year, Thai Festival 2023 was held on 20-21 May at Yoyogi Park. There were several events such as Muay Thai, Thai massage, and especially concert which there was a full lineup of Thai artists and music bands on the sche

EP#46 メガネをつくる時はどうしてる?
May 17, 2023

In Japan, if you want to get prescription glasses made, the procedure is easy and not so different from Thailand. You just simply walk into an eyewear store where you can take an eye examination for free. There are also a wide range of fashionable eyeglas

EP#45 中古品はどこで買う?売る?
April 18, 2023

Nowadays, buying second-hand is great for your wallet and the environment. Because it is considered eco-friendly, it’s also become more accessible and socially acceptable. Not only buying, but also selling second-hand is an environmentally friendly practi

EP#44 美容院について
March 26, 2023

Do you often go to the beauty salon? Recently, the two of us just got our hair cut as well.  So in this episode, we would like to talk about the beauty salon in Japan and Thailand of the similarities and differences. We hope everyone can learn vocabulary

EP#43 睡眠のはなし
January 29, 2023

The market for sleep aids is booming in Japan. Many products claim to improve the quality of sleep. As you may know that getting a healthy amount of sleep is a key part of boosting your energy, mood, creativity, and strengthening the immune system. There

EP#42 番外編 ตอนพิเศษ (クリスマス
December 25, 2022

今回はクリスマスの番外編です。年末の、のんびりとした、ただの雑談。皆んなさんはヘクセンハウスを知ってますか?私は初めてヘクセンハウスを作りました。疲れたけど、楽しかったです!日本は寒くなってきたし体に気をつけてください。 今年もみなさんに聞きにきていただいて、ほんとにありがとうございました!良いお年を!来年も、引き続きちうちうトークやっていきますので、またよろしくお願いします!

EP#41 好きなスマホゲーム
December 18, 2022

Today we would like to introduce our addictive mobile games to you. Pikumin Bloom【ピクミンブルーム】and Pirate Code【パイレーツコード】are available on IOS and Android. These little mobile games will entertain you for hours. Good luck and try to get anything else done! ...

EP#40 朝ごはん!(อาหารเช้า)
November 07, 2022

Hi! everyone. Do you usually start your day with your favorite breakfast? We think most people enjoy to eat a great variety of things for breakfast which depended on time and lifestyle. So, all items on our list today are things we are talking about Japan

EP#39 花火について夏っぽいトピック
September 25, 2022

Every year during the summer season in Japan from Jul-Sep, a visit to firework festival is a must-do. It is not only the beautiful firework displays at night, but also many activities which attract a million people from around the world. In this episode,
