From My Heart to Yours. Meditations.

From My Heart to Yours. Meditations.

Latest Episodes

Gratitude 521
June 28, 2021

Walk through a meadow of gratitude.

Visiting anger
June 14, 2021

In this meditation I am going to ask you to Remember a time when you were angry. I invite you to go back to your first memory of being overtaken by anger If this is difficult or overwhelming, find a

Beauty & the Beast, Part 3: Seeing Another
May 28, 2021

In this days meditation I lead you through a process of seeing another. Each days meditation is build off Red Grammers, "See Me Beautiful". Welcome to this dive into the beauty and the beast of bein

Beauty & the Beast Part 2: Asking to be Seen
May 14, 2021

In this days meditation I lead you through a process of being seen by another. Each days meditation is build off Red Grammers, "See Me Beautiful". Welcome to this dive into the beauty and the beast

Beauty & the Beast, Part 1: Seeing Self
April 28, 2021

Join me into this 3 part series of seeing the beauty in yourself and others. I call this 3 part series Beauty and the Beast to honor the truth of my life experience, that we are all beautiful beings

Beginning with the Self: Celebration of accomplishment
April 28, 2020

This episode is A Connect with celebration. Celebration brings gratitude, joy and meaning into your body.
