The Leadership Outlook Podcast

The Leadership Outlook Podcast

Latest Episodes

The art of saying NO
November 21, 2021

This episode is about the power of saying “no”, building boundaries and creating a healthy work style. You will find out how to make sure that work-life-balance actually works out and… what threats are lurking out there if you say “yes” to every request t

How to spot a productive team?
August 22, 2021

Productivity has almost become a buzzword these days. What is it? How should we assess it? How to measure productivity in a distributed team? In this episode of the Leadership Outlook Podcast, Nadia and Breno are discussing its traits and sharing examples

Perfectionism - blessing or curse?
July 06, 2021

What is perfectionism? How can we define it? Is it a blessing or a curse? In this episode of The Leadership Outlook Podcast, we're digging into our understanding of perfectionism and the reasons behind it. You will also learn how to turn perfectionism int

Marketing & leadership - what's the path to success?
May 19, 2021

In this episode, Luca Bertocci, a marketing expert and co-founder of Human Centric Group shares hints of successful leadership and true value in marketing. Tune in to find out how to challenge the status quo by being true to yourself. Luca is sharing his

Hiring for the culture fit
April 15, 2021

Hiring for the culture fit tends to be full of bias. Company culture is something you can’t buy for money as other valuable things in the world. We ultimately want to hire candidates who match the culture of our company but this is usually based on our gu

Can ageing inspire our next generation?
March 09, 2021

This time we’re talking about ageing. Why? Because... everybody ages and that’s why we’ve invited Peony Li, the Founder and CEO of Wise which is a very successful start up aiming to bring good health and happiness to every over 50s in the world. Peony is

What's all the fuss about Clubhouse?
February 14, 2021

Everyone talks about Clubhouse these days. Many say that it's a revolution! Let's discuss this topic in detail and get behind the scenes. Who should join Clubhouse? What content can you find there? And... how does it differentiate from other Social Media

How to create a motivated and engaged work environment?
January 24, 2021

In this episode, Nadia Harris and Breno Oliveira are speaking with Tim Cakir, Growth Expert and Professor. Tune in to find out how to adapt to the new digital era as a leader, how to motivate team members by adapting OKRs and how to create engaging workin

New Year's (re)solutions - what we've done & where we're going!
January 05, 2021

2021 has finally approached and we've all been waiting for it, haven't we? 365 new opportunities, risks and chances are waiting for us to step up and start thriving in the digital work era. In this episode, which is a warm welcome to the second season of

Who we are and our idea with this podcast!
August 29, 2020

This trailer aims to explain a bit more about the creators of the leadership outlook podcast and the idea as a whole. 
