The Sisterhood of the Travelling Angst

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Angst

Latest Episodes

Ep. 5 - University, societies and the lay of the land?
January 28, 2021

On this week's episode Ella and Maisie talk about their uni experiences, from picking universities and grades, to societies and getting through uni itself and all of the issues that can crop up from that! 

Ep. 4 - Zodiacs and 2021 predictions
January 21, 2021

In today's episode Ella and Maisie discuss their star signs, future predictions and compatibility. Are the sisters truly compatible? Only the stars know!

Ep.3 - Lunch with mum!
January 15, 2021

Ella and Maisie ask their mum questions and get some insight into their childhood. What did happen in Jersey? and what did Ella do to the kitchen kitchen floor?  P.S Mum is even newer than us to podcasting and she mentions a good few names (that you

Ep.2 - Lock down, low down.
January 07, 2021

In the second episode of The Sisterhood of the travelling angst, Maisie and Ella discuss lock down life, coping strategies and what they have learned throughout the crazy year of 2020! From online learning and home exercise videos to bath tubs of wine...

Sneak peak!
December 30, 2020

The day before their release, Ella and Maisie have selected around 3 minutes of some of their favourite moments of the Sisterhood of the Travelling Angst podcast so far!
