Quantum Revolution Now

Quantum Revolution Now

Latest Episodes

The World Quantum Day 2022 and learning to code on quantum computers
April 16, 2022

The World Quantum Day 2022 was celebrated on 14th Apr 2022 and we at Qubit Value celebrated by hosting a quantum developments workshop utilizing Qiskit and Cirq (with TensorFlow Quantum).

The ongoing race to build quantum computers and how to start using them
March 30, 2021

Many nations are funding efforts to build the first quantum computer and most of the large cloud service providers are offering access to either their own or their partners quantum computers.The only way to understand the potential of quantum computers, i

Quantum computing startups in 2021
March 19, 2021

Total capital investments to quantum computing startups have almost quadrupled between 2019 and 2020 and the number of quantum computing startup is growing.

What is the status of quantum computing at the moment?
March 17, 2021

This is the second episode of our new podcast focusing on Quantum Computing - what is happening in the market and new technological advancements.In this episode we glance briefly what is the status of quantum computing market at the moment and what lies a

Welcome to Qubit Value podcast about Quantum Computing
March 16, 2021

This is the first episode of our new podcast focusing on Quantum Computing - what is happening in the market and new technological advancements.Qubit Value is a startup focusing on helping clients to get in and benefit from  quantum computing. We offer co
