Conversations with Kim Crayton

Conversations with Kim Crayton

Tech's Looming Threat Ep. 4 - Damien Williams

October 10, 2023

Conversations with Kim Crayton is a limited episode, serial podcast where she takes a deep dive, with domain experts, on topics and issues that we all face, today and in the future.

Damien Patrick Williams is an assistant professor in Philosophy and Data Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he teaches and researches how technologies such as algorithms, machine intelligence, and biotechnologies are impacted by the values, knowledge systems, philosophical explorations, social structures, and even religious beliefs of human beings. Damien has a PhD from Virginia Tech in the field of Science, Technology, and Society, and is especially concerned with how the knowledge and experience of marginalized peoples do and might be made to affect the technosocial structures of human societies. More on Damien’s research can be found at A Future Worth Thinking About.
