Turns Out... I'm Into It!

Turns Out... I'm Into It!

Ep 9: Are my kinks healthy? Turns out... yes.

June 13, 2023

Some kinks are playful and fun, like being spoilt with attention, or bathed in chocolate sauce. But what about the less empowering ones… what if you’re turned on by r*pe fantasies and degradation…? 

In this episode I am finally able to answer the question “Are my kinks healthy?” And the answer is most likely yes. Though the reasons behind that answer are suuuuuper interesting!

If you are struggling to accept your kinky side, or you’re maybe a little afraid of it, or maybe you’re simply fascinated by kink psychology, this episode is for you! Join me for the next episode of Turns Out I’m into it, and let’s take another deep dive into the wonderful world of kink! 

Mentioned in this episode

  • Coming Together - by Danielle Harel PhD and Celeste Hirschman MA (book)

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