Turns Out... I'm Into It!

Turns Out... I'm Into It!

#38: Why I Told my Mum I was Kinky…

January 31, 2024

There are lots of reasons we keep our kinky lives a secret. For some of us, secrecy is part of the fun! For others, it might be about privacy. But for lots of us, we keep this stuff secret because we are afraid of what others might think, if they knew the truth about us. 

This creates a source of shame, and leaves us feeling like we have to hide a part of ourselves in order to feel accepted. 

I recently had an important conversation with my mum, where I told her about my kinky lifestyle. It wasn’t until I had had this conversation that I realised just how much I’d been needing it. It was like a weight had lifted. 

It’s this conversation that I want to talk about in today’s episode, because I know many of you might also have someone in your life you wish you could be more open about this with. 

Mentioned in this episode

Harley Rabbit audio story ‘The Escape’

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