Turns Out... I'm Into It!

Turns Out... I'm Into It!

#37: Outsourcing Sex: Advice for Opening a Relationship

January 24, 2024

Not everyone is super well matched in the bedroom. You might be an amazing couple, but when it comes to sex you’re just not really compatible. This is the case for a lot of long term couples, but it doesn't have to mean the end of the relationship, or that you have to sacrifice a fulfilling sex life.  

While there are lots of things couples can do to improve their sexual compatibility, outsourcing sex is also a fantastic option! In today's episode, I will go through 5 amazing pieces of advice for couples who are wanting to try opening up their relationship and outsourcing sex!

Mentioned in this episode

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Episode #36: Are Open Relationships Committed? 

Making Love Real (Book)

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