Turns Out... I'm Into It!

Turns Out... I'm Into It!

#27: Do you Find it Hard to say "no"?

October 25, 2023

Have you ever found it challenging to utter that two-letter word, "no"? 

In this episode, I discuss the reasons why saying "no" can be an uphill battle for so many people. I also explore the important role personal boundaries play in nurturing not only your self-worth but also the health of your relationships.

I will give you five of my personal favorite strategies to make saying "no" more manageable. This is particularly tailored for those who identify as people-pleasers, like me!

My mission is for you to leave this episode not only understanding the challenges of saying "no" but also armed with the confidence and skills to assert your boundaries effectively when the situation calls for it.

Mentioned in this episode

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