Turns Out... I'm Into It!

Turns Out... I'm Into It!

#22: Female Submission and Feminism - Are They Compatible?

September 19, 2023

There are a lot of misconceptions around D/s relationships, which on the surface can look as though they are perpetuating a culture of misogyny. This however, is not the case. In this episode, we dive a little deeper into the dynamics of healthy BDSM relationships, and discuss how they in fact, align with feminist values. 

If you, like many submissive women (and dominant men) ever feel conflicted about your values around equality for all genders, and what you enjoy in the bedroom, I hope this episode can help reconcile this for you. It is my firm belief that female submission and feminism can and do exist in harmony, and there is no reason to have to suppress either identity. 

Mentioned in this episode

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