Turns Out... I'm Into It!

Turns Out... I'm Into It!

#13: A Deeper Dive Into Objectification, Plus Strangely Sexy Monsters

July 11, 2023

Last week's chat on Objectification got some super interesting responses! So I decided to go even deeper into this topic today and add some of YOUR comments to this conversation. 

Objectification is such an interesting topic, because despite its negative connotations, it is a suuuuper common desire and can be extremely validating for people of all genders and roles! 

Later in the episode I discuss how “sexy” can be found in all sorts of things - from kneading pastry to scary monsters. I share a personal story about a very non-sexy movie scene that got my motor running! 

Whatever you’re into, chances are you're not alone! So it’s time to let go of shame and explore your unique desires, in this latest episode of Turns Out I'm Into It!

Mentioned in this episode

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