CyberWeekly: This Week in IT Security

CyberWeekly: This Week in IT Security

CompTIA CyberWeekly: Week Ending December 8th, 2023

December 08, 2023

Wayne Selk, vice president, cybersecurity programs at CompTIA and executive director of the CompTIA ISAO is back to review this week's cybersecurity programs team activity and other happenings around the community. Highlights for this week include RejectionCon shoutout, ESETs welivesecurity, and the ISAO updates for this past week. Here are the links for everything discussed: (RejectionCon) (501c(3) org the conference fee recipient) (MSP Dispatch) (ESET Resource)

Stay safe, stay healthy and remain secure!

Tune in each week to hear the most important cybersecurity news from the team and threat alerts from the past week in the ISAO forum and updates you need to know for the week ahead from host Wayne Selk, vice president, cybersecurity programs at CompTIA and executive director of the CompTIA ISAO. Listen now, subscribe, and tune in every Friday for the latest news. Don't forget to subscribe to the CyberWeekly Breaking News! Podcast as well!
