DAT Fitness Business Podcast

DAT Fitness Business Podcast

DAT.4 Conversations for more sales in your fitness business

December 07, 2022

Sales conversations aren't the only chats you need to be having

Having conversations seem to be a lost art and all the focus is on sales.

While sales is a very important metric for your business and ultimately the determination of success, what happens leading up to those sales is also vitaly important.


People buy from people they know, like and trust. Especially a personal product such as coaching.

You won’t ever gain people’s trust as a coach without having a number of conversations first.

It takes around 7 hours of contact, 11 touch points and 4 locations for someone to really trust you enough for a large investment of time or money (or both).

Therefore conversations can make or break your business success.


But it’s not just sales conversations that you need to be having.

If you start every conversation with a sale in mind then this will be obvious to the person and they are more likely to chy away from you as a customer.

You need to ‘date’ your potential client a bit before asking the question. This is the element of conversations that we discuss in this video and you will learn by watching

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