Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

The Energy Episode

May 11, 2023

How much of your business just drains the life out of you?

Welcome back to Profit for Coaches. On this episode, we're going to talk about energy. People think that energy is a finite resource. It's here and then it's gone, and then you run out of it and you don't have anymore. The truth is that of your three fundamental assets, energy is one of the two that is actually renewable. And, it's the faster of the two.

Enjoy the episode.

"Energy doesn't get destroyed. Energy doesn't get created, it gets moved around, recycled, transformed."

— Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • The relationship between money, time, and energy in your coaching business
  • The Power of Full Engagement and the four types of energy
  • The five different sources of energy renewal
  • How focusing energy and intention can lead to better results
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Resources Mentioned:

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Our Favorite Quotes:

  • "For your business to be effective and to be profitable, you need to understand how you, your people and your clients use energy." — Jos Willard
  • "You can expand and renew your energy by establishing specific rituals and behaviors, things that you intentionally do"— Jos Willard 
