Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Breathing Through Hard Things - with Ben Smith

May 04, 2023

One of the reasons why I typically say the online coaching industry sucks, is because so many of the big name gurus out there tell you basically the only way your coaching business is going to be successful is if you copy paste so that it looks like all of these other coaching businesses because there's only one real path to success.

Well, I'm here to tell you that's not true, and on today's episode of Profit for Coaches, we're talking with Ben Smith. And Ben will show you that a coaching business can be successful without looking like you might think it should.

Ben Smith is a fitness and nutrition coach. He's an entrepreneur, he's an army veteran, and he's a mental health advocate, and he's based out of Los Angeles.

Over more than a decade of working in health and fitness, he's led programming at respected strength training gyms in LA, he's developed an online training for high performing individuals all over the world, and he currently travels the globe as a performance coach for clients in the music industry.

There aren't a lot of gurus out there telling you that that's the way to build your coaching business successfully, but Ben does just fine. And he leverages his platform to promote holistic mind body wellness by candidly sharing his experience along the way. And he's sharing it with us today. Enjoy the episode.

"You've done hard things before, you'll do hard things again... Just start."

— Ben Smith

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • The power of simplifying wellness and focusing on what truly works.
  • The importance of empathy and understanding in building strong coaching relationships.
  • How the concept of "profit" goes beyond money and can lead to a more fulfilling life.
  • The role of physical fitness as a gateway to mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

  • "It's not about me as the coach, it's about them as the client or as the human." — Ben Smith
  • "I create a space for people to try a thing that's inherently scary...and then secondly, I get them really excited about a thing that they don't know they're excited about yet." — Ben Smith
  • "Have empathy for the other, and then grace for yourself." — Ben Smith
  • "Physical fitness is the tide that raises all ships." — Ben Smith
  • "I'm not supposed to be here... And now I get to. It's all free, it's all extra." — Ben Smith

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