Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Open Every Day - with Ross O'Lochlainn

April 20, 2023

Those of you who love it when I have these episodes that you get to really geek out and dig into the business side of coaching and the nitty gritty of what makes the business work, you are going to love this episode. Hi there. I'm Jos Willard, host of Profit for coaches, and on today's episode, we're talking with my buddy Ross O'Lochlainn.

Ross is a former engineer turned conversion strategist and coach, which means he's got that engineering kind of brain and he's managed to turn it into a coaching tool. He's developed a proprietary conversion system called Open Every Day that helps education and coaching businesses sell sustainably without having to rely on the launch model.

And if you've listened to the podcast for very long, you know, I'm not a huge fan of the launch model. We're gonna find out today what you can do instead of that. Ross talks fast like an Irishman, and he's full of amazing ideas. So buckle up, get your notepads out, and get ready to enjoy the episode.

"Brand is what other people are talking about and saying about you when you are not there."— Ross O'Lochlainn

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • Bridging the gap between data analysis and customer psychology
  • The pros and cons of launches as a strategy
  • The merging of direct response and branding in modern marketing
  • Building a sustainable coaching business through proactive communication and authority
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

  • "Numbers are only useful insofar as they tell you what to focus on next."— Ross O'Lochlainn
  • If you're looking at too many numbers, it's gonna paralyze you."— Ross O'Lochlainn
  • "Your market for the most part is not waiting around for you to sell. They're looking for solutions throughout the year."— Ross O'Lochlainn
  • "Brand is what other people are talking about and saying about you when you are not there."— Ross O'Lochlainn
  • "Business is a constant tension between sales and delivery."— Ross O'Lochlainn

Connect with Ross O'Lochlainn:
