Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Your Best Investment

April 13, 2023

138 - Your Best Investment

What is the single biggest, most important, highest ROI investment you can make in your coaching business? On today's episode we're gonna talk about this question. Spoiler alert, you probably already know the answer. I discuss how to become a better coach, build your skillset, and leverage other people's experience to maximize your profit, in money, time, in your energy. Your ability to be present for the people and the things that matter to you. Let's get into it.

  • "If you're the smartest person in the room, unless you're being paid to be there... you're probably in the wrong room."— Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • When to focus on one skillset and one target market
  • The importance of leveraging other people's experience and knowledge.
  • The deadly danger of the "Expert's Curse"
  • How to recognize when it's time to seek help
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

  • "The more coaching you have had yourself... the better your skills get." — Jos Willard
  • "the single biggest, most important, highest ROI investment you can make in your coaching business is in yourself." — Jos Willard
  • "To be a profitable coach, you do need to build skillset. You do need to figure out how to do some things."— Jos Willard
