Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Beyond the Template - with Uta Demontis

March 11, 2023

133 - Beyond the Template - with Uta Demontis

Today I get to introduce you to a friend of mine, someone I've known for years. Her name is Uta Demontis, and she's a web designer for coaches. She spent over a decade in the coaching and complimentary therapy world as a practitioner.

She started out as a shiatsu practitioner and a meditation teacher. Then she trained in NLP in coaching. For many years, she ran her own relationship coaching practice in London. Before working as a practitioner though, she studied multimedia arts at the degree level. She has years of experience in the field of presentation graphics, web design, and video editing for online courses.

So of course, she now combines her coaching and web design skills to create websites that help coaches attract their ideal clients. She's a great human being, and I really enjoy talking to her. I think you're gonna enjoy this episode.

“Coaches in coaching school, don't necessarily learn how to do marketing." — Uta Demontis

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • Staying true to yourself in business, even when that means big or scary changes
  • Why your self-built website may be hurting your practice
  • An amazing marketing and networking resource you can attend for free this month!
  • Uta's journey through practitioner coach, clinical sexologist, meditation teacher, to web designer for coaches.
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

  • “I always followed really, what I felt was a reflection of me and where I was at in my own life.” — Uta Demontis
  • “It is not easy to build a good looking website, even with a website builder.” — Uta Demontis
  • "I just found coaching as such an empowering process, that, it's positive, it empowers the client. It doesn't, go back and look at everything that happened in the past."Uta Demontis

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Uta:
