Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Spring Cleaning

March 02, 2023

132 - Spring Cleaning - with Jos Willard

We've just turned the page on the calendar, it is now March. And you know what that means? It's time to get the crap, out of your house. On today's episode, we're talking about what here in North America is known as spring cleaning. If you're in the southern hemisphere, we'll call it, whatever you call it, when you get rid of the extra stuff that's in your house, as the weather starts to turn cold, so you're not sitting through the winter on a bunch of extra crap you don't need. In other words, we're gonna look at your business, and get rid of stuff that's getting in the way. Enjoy the episode.  

“Time, money and energy. We need those resources to be invested in our coaching business, not spent ." — Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • Clear out the clutter and make your coaching practice more profitable
  • What profitable really means for your practice and for YOU
  • What to strip down to make your coaching practice an efficient, profitable machine
  • How to identify and eliminate the things getting in the way of YOUR success.
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard! Get personalized advice, guidance, and action steps designed around your unique situation, life, practice, goals, and challenges.

Our Favorite Quotes:

  • “The expression is, we want it to have as many steps as it needs, but as few as possible.” — Jos Willard
  • "Is this as simple as possible? Is there anything in here that doesn't need to be here?"— Jos Willard
  • "Ask yourself truly, at every point along the way, do I need this to be here? If you don't, get rid of it."— Jos Willard
