Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

The Reality of Success

January 26, 2023

PC127 - The Reality of Success

Here's the theme of today's episode pretty succinctly. When a person believes in the value of the advice given them and applies it, they establish within themselves the reality of success.

I have some questions for you. Number one, how long have you been listening? Have you just listened to some of the guest episodes? Have you only listened to the solo episodes? Is this your first episode? How many episodes have you listened to? 

Secondly, and this is even more important, of all of the advice and ideas that you've heard in this podcast, how many of them have you actually applied?

On today's episode we'll talk about the reality of success. What you value, you apply, and in doing so, establish the reality of success. Enjoy the episode.

“We waste so much time trying to convince our clients to apply what they're learning from us” — Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • Where do problem clients come from?
  • What to do with your clients when the problem they signed up to fix isn’t the real issue
  • What happens to your business when you chase the people who believe in its value
  • How to establish within yourself the reality of success
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Resources Mentioned:

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