Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

The Most Complicated Business in the World - with Gemma Gilbert

January 12, 2023

Gemma Gilbert is a Business Coach who helps other coaches turn their high-ticket 1-1 service into simple, evergreen group programs they can grow month over month, without exhausting launches.

Gemma saw her career taking her away from her family and her freedom and took action. After trying every one-to-many model out there, landing on coaching business done her way, bringing in 30-35K per month and on steady track for 40-50K per month, while taking every school holiday (13 weeks per year) away from her business, and sahring that true freedom with others who are ready to make the change.

Today Gemma joins us to discuss her journey through the weeds of running multiple memberships and other cyclical models, and the simpler path coaches can take to transition to evergreen group programs as a business model. She counters myths around the value of group coaching and what niches can work in a group format, and lays out in detail how to know when you’re ready to make the leap. Gemma also encourages those who might have worries about making “too much money”, and welcomes great coaches to talk with her about how to work less, make more, and increase their impact at the same time.

“it's not the model that's stopping you, it's the belief in yourself that you can do it.” — Gemma Gilbert

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • Why and when group coaching can be more valuable than one-on-one.
  • How to make sure your group coaching clients get great results together.
  • How Profit First can help you decide when it’s time to hire help.
  • The preferred, fast, “lazy” way to grow your email list.
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

  • “More people with money who can help more people is a good thing.” — Gemma Gilbert
  • “All we're doing is we are taking that genius in your head, and we are turning that into a pre-recorded pathway.” — Gemma Gilbert
  • “I haven't found a single niche that can't be offered in a group.” — Gemma Gilbert
  • “You do have to be willing to niche down. Niche just matters so much more in group programs.” — Gemma Gilbert

Resources Mentioned:

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