Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches


December 29, 2022

When starting a coaching business—any business—the prevailing opinion is that you should build to scale. The thing is—and this something I get a lot of flak for—I’m not a big fan of the idea that everything needs to be built to scale starting from day one. If your focus for 2023 is to make everything scalable, you may hurt your business. So, rather than focusing on scale, you may want to focus on something I think will help 2023 be your best year yet.


In this episode, I discuss why building a business to scale from the get-go can be dangerous and what you can focus on instead when you’re just starting a coaching practice. I differentiate “scale” from “grow” and explain why we need to stop interchanging the two. I reveal why you shouldn’t try to operate like a multi-million dollar coaching company from day one and describe problems businesses have at different stages of growth. I also highlight the value of simplicity and recording how you systematize everything in your business.


“As you’re looking at your business plans for 2023, don’t worry about scale—focus on simple.” - Jos Willard


This week on Profit for Coaches:


●     The “anti-scale” evangelist

●     The difference between “scale” and “grow.”

●     Understanding the choices, problems, and solutions for different phases of your business

●     Why building to scale from the very beginning is dangerous and counterproductive

●     The FREE profitable practice scorecard!


Our Favorite Quotes:


●     “If you’re focusing on trying to scale from the very beginning, that is the fastest way to ensure your business never gets off the ground.” - Jos Willard

●     “Focus on what works now and what you can do along the way to ensure you’re going in the right direction and faster.” - Jos Willard

●     “You don’t build an international logistics network when all you’re doing is selling lemonade at the corner. You can figure out your international distribution stuff when you’ve gotten out of your neighborhood.” - Jos Willard


Helping Coaches Increase Profits


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