Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Talking to Myself

November 17, 2022

Some time ago, I realized I wanted to shift my focus toward helping coaches where I was seven years ago—around the $150,000 a year mark and aiming to earn half a million dollars a year. I wanted to help people build profitable coaching businesses on their own schedules without their businesses ruining their lives. And while that idea resonates with many people, I struggled with translating it into a message that invited them to work with me. Then, my coach said something that struck my interest:


“If you were talking to your past self, what would you have wanted to hear? What would have made you say, ‘Yes, I’m going to do it!’”?


In this episode, I share what coaches could have said or done to inspire me to take action. I explain why I distrusted the “coaches’ coaches” industry and what it took me to work with a coach finally. I discuss why I put a premium on coaches who build relationships and highlight why it’s important to avoid “cloning” yourself when working with clients. I also describe why there’s no single way to build a thriving coaching business and reveal your most impactful, unique selling proposition as a coach.


“If you’re helping clients work through an experience you struggled with, don’t tell them there’s only one way to do it—going through the same challenges doesn’t mean they’re the same person you were.” - Jos Willard


This week on Profit for Coaches:


●     Why it took a lot for me to trust coaches who coach other coaches

●     The two types of coaches for coaches

●     The importance of building trust and relationships

●     Why there’s no one true way to build a profitable coaching practice

●     The FREE profitable practice scorecard!


Our Favorite Quotes:


●     “You can’t just copy and paste somebody else’s system and expect it to work for your business, especially when it comes to marketing and your voice.” - Jos Willard

●     “You are your unique selling proposition. The way you show up—your persona, your voice, the way you interpret and deliver things—is your unique selling proposition.” - Jos Willard

●     “There’s no one way to differentiate what matters other than how you show up and interact with your clients. YOU are the difference.” - Jos Willard


Helping Coaches Increase Profits


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