Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Cash Flow & Viability

October 06, 2022

When it comes to your coaching business—and any business, for that matter—it doesn’t matter how much you’re making. It’s all about how much you’re keeping and how much goes into your pockets at the end of the day. Too many coaches go broke despite having excess money coming into their businesses. As soon as their coaching practice hits a monthly sales target, their expenses catch up. Why does this happen, and how can you prevent it from occurring in your coaching business?


In this episode, I discuss how good cash flow management prevents expenses from catching up to a coaching practice’s sales increase. I explore the process of eliminating all expenses in your business and turning them into investments. I also outline different kinds of ROIs you can expect in making efficient investments and highlight how having a profitable coaching practice doesn’t need to be about hustling and grinding.


“When you have cash flow management that puts a hard cap on the money you’re allowed to spend on operating expenses, you see that massive jump in your income without a massive spike in expenses.” - Jos Willard


This week on Profit for Coaches:


●     The curious case of expenses catching up to sales targets

●     Creating unicorn companies and the Silicon Valley model of business

●     How better cash flow management can help you increase and stabilize your profit

●     Turning all your business expenses into intentional investments

●     The FREE profitable practice scorecard!


Resources Mentioned:


●     Book: Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz


Our Favorite Quotes:


●     “$200k to $300k a year is not a bad place to be. But if you’re killing yourself to do it, then why? Just, why?” - Jos Willard

●     “There’s no reason that a coaching business is at at least 50% profit.” - Jos Willard

●     “If we need to get more out of our business by buying something, we need to figure out how to get more creative.” - Jos Willard


Helping Coaches Increase Profits


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