Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Killing Shiny Object Syndrome

September 08, 2022

As coaches, we’re often told that we’re just one click away from everything we desire. We hear from coaching gurus that we’re one funnel, one lead magnet, or one course away from having a profitable coaching practice. So, it’s no surprise that we find ourselves chasing one tool after another.

Here’s the thing: I grew up in Alaska, where we fish a lot. And if there’s anything I learned about fishing, it’s that the best way to catch and kill a fish is by using bright, flashy, shiny objects to lure them.

In this episode, I discuss Shiny Object Syndrome and what you can do to prevent it from killing your coaching practice. I explain the link between psychology and marketing and how some social media platforms like Facebook are deliberately designed to be addictive. I also describe modern society’s tendency to prefer quick fixes over understanding the root cause of problems and underscore why focusing on four fundamental principles is key to earning $200,000 a year in your coaching practice.

“Get rid of those shiny objects. Focus on the fundamentals and the success principles that you need to apply to your practice.” - Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

●      Why it’s easy for everyone to get distracted by shiny objects in business and life

●      The reason news and media outlets focus on negative stories

●      The relationship between marketing and psychology

●      The importance of focusing on the fundamentals of business success

●      The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

●      “We have this attitude in our society where we ask to be given a solution to immediate pain instead of going deep into the fundamental problems.” - Jos Willard

●      “As coaches, we are constantly bombarded with the ‘Get this result! Solve this pain point!’ messaging but what’s actually being offered is just another shiny object.” - Jos Willard

●      “The biggest, most effective decision you can make when building your coaching practice is to focus on the key principles of success, get someone to help you meet those principles, and hit those goals repeatedly.” - Jos Willard

Helping Coaches Increase Profits 

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