Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

The Laziest Employee

August 18, 2022

Picture this: you need someone to be part of your team, but instead of building a job description for that employee and planning what they’re going to do in your coaching business, you just grab the first person you see outside of your office, offer a signing bonus, then hire them. It’s a pretty good way to get your coaching practice out of business in no time, right?


Unfortunately, almost every coach or consultant does this with their most important worker.


In this episode, I discuss how almost every business owner on the planet sets up their most important employee to be as lazy and useless as possible—and what you can do to avoid it. I also describe the worst way to hire or recruit employees and explain why mismanaging your money means mismanaging your attention and time.


“Don’t leave your money to chance. Give every dollar that comes into your business a job to do before that dollar comes into your business.” - Jos Willard


This week on Profit for Coaches:


●     The worst employee that every business owner has to deal with

●     Why you should write a job description

●     The primary drivers of consultants and coaches

●     The importance of managing the cash flow in your business

●     The FREE profitable practice scorecard!


Our Favorite Quotes:


●     “Just like how work expands to eat all the white space in your calendar, expenses expand to eat any extra money you have sitting in the bank.” - Jos Willard

●     “As coaches, one of our primary drivers is to help our clients—to make a transformational difference for the people we’re meant to serve.” - Jos Willard

●     “We need to build our business in such a way that it supports us, our lifestyle, and our ability to deliver transformation to our clients.” - Jos Willard


Helping Coaches Increase Profits


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