Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Summertime Daydreams

August 04, 2022

August—for us people in the northern hemisphere, it’s the last full month of summer where we get to enjoy the warmth and some time off. It’s also the month when many of us start getting the blues. Vacation season is almost over, and we have to get back to work. But, for us coaches and consultants, it’s one of the best months to plan and daydream about how we can improve our coaching practice and prepare for one of the best seasons for the industry.

In this episode, I discuss daydreaming and imagining how you can improve your coaching practice and business. I also explain why people get anxious around August and why fall is the best season for coaches.

“Relax; get yourself a notebook; give yourself permission to daydream and write things down. Find one thing you can get into so, as you get into September, life looks a little bit better.” - Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

●      Why Fall is the best time to sell coaching and transformation

●      Thinking about the changes you want to implement in your coaching practice

●      The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

●      “For coaches and consultants, September, October, and November are some of the best months; it’s the beginning of a new season, and people are ready to make changes.” - Jos Willard

●      “There's an opportunity coming up in the fall; be prepared for that opportunity. But, if you haven’t taken some vacation time yet, stop and do that first.” - Jos Willard

●      “Start now by giving yourself permission—while you’re on vacation; while you’re having quiet time—to ask yourself what you want the last four months of 2022 to look like.” - Jos Willard

Helping Coaches Increase Profits

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