Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Who is Your Barney

June 09, 2022

Have you met Barney? I don’t watch TV anymore, but back when I did, every now and again, I’d catch episodes of How I Met Your Mother. One of the characters, Barney—brilliantly played by Neil Patrick Harris—is the wingman to the main character, Ted. And, as wingman, Barney would keep introducing Ted to people who could potentially end up as the love of his life. Looking back at the interactions between these two, I realized something: we all need a Barney in our business lives.

In this episode, I discuss finding your “Business Barney” and how they can impact your coaching practice. I explain the value of having a strategic business partner. I also underscore why, as you grow your business to six figures, you may want to consider outsourcing tasks and discuss where and how to look for your Barney.

“Find someone who is so invested in your success, they’re willing to take steps that you find uncomfortable.” - Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

●      Your “Business Barney” and how they can impact your business

●      The value of finding a strategic business partner

●      Outsourcing the tasks you don’t like and the power of collaboration

●      Where and how to find your Business Barney

●      The FREE eBook you can access today!

Resources Mentioned:

●      Book: Who, Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork by Dan Sullivan

Our Favorite Quotes:

●      “Have a Business Barney in your business life—someone who is not only able to, not only willing to, but is also enthusiastic about introducing you to the right person.” - Jos Willard

●      “If you find it difficult to do marketing or sales activities, you need to find a Barney—someone who’d say ‘have you met Ted?’” - Jos Willard

●      “Instead of attempting a task you don’t like, try looking for somebody who has the strengths, skill sets, interests, and energy for those tasks and get them to help you.” - Jos Willard


Helping Coaches Increase Profits

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