Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Where Are You

May 26, 2022

Summer is almost in reach, which is great for most people. However, what if your coaching business is struggling? What if you're not where you thought you would be? If you find yourself in this position, it’s okay. You can explore those feelings and find the answers to your questions. If you are not where you want to be, where are you?

Today, I explore why the summer can feel like a more challenging time in a coaching practice for many business owners. I explain how to help onboard new clients at any time of the year and what to do if you struggle to bring on new coaching clients. I share some resources you can use if you don’t know how to achieve your targets and goals for your business. I also describe the number one thing you must do to get new clients regularly.

“Clients can start coaching any time when they are ready to make those changes .” - Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

●      Why the summer months can feel challenging for your coaching practice

●      How you can onboard new clients at any time of the year

●      What to do if you are not consistently bringing on new clients

●      The number one thing for your business to bring clients in regularly

●      The FREE eBook you can access today!

Our Favorite Quotes:

●      “You can make any time of year, the best time of year for enrolling new clients.” - Jos Willard

●      “Sit down and make sure all your key performance indicators are where they need to be and that they are consistent.” - Jos Willard

●      “You really need to get really clear on who you’re going to help and what you are going to help them do.” - Jos Willard

Helping Coaches Increase Profits 

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