Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

SMART Goals are Stupid

May 05, 2022

The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) goal-setting framework, which has been around since the 80s, is not as smart as it seems. In fact, SMART goals are stupid. Trying to get everyone to fit into one framework simply doesn’t work. Optimists often believe they can do everything faster, leading to overcommitting, crashing, and burning. Meanwhile, pessimists often look at things as a struggle, making it unlikely that they’ll reach a deadline.


In today’s episode, I break down the SMART framework and explain why it is no longer applicable to most people. I explore the different ways people tend to approach challenges and goals and why the framework hinders both pessimists and optimists. I also share three questions you can ask yourself to define an achievable goal and reveal what to use in place of the SMART framework for successful goal setting.


“If you’re using SMART as a way to make goals something you can sit down, wrap your head around and make realistic, it has to be something that’s achievable.” - Jos Willard


This week on Profit for Coaches:


●      Why the SMART framework doesn’t work

●      How each part of the framework is a challenge for both optimists and pessimists

●      Three questions you can ask to determine if something is achievable

●      What you can use in place of the SMART goal setting framework

●      The FREE eBook you can access today!


Our Favorite Quotes:


●      “Remember, the SMART goal setting was originally built from the perspective of a manager.”

●      “You’re supposed to be doing this to try and reign this in; the problem is optimistic thinkers think everything’s achievable eventually.” - Jos Willard

●      “When you tell a pessimist to be realistic, they will automatically start scaling back and restraining themselves.” - Jos Willard


Helping Coaches Increase Profits


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