Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Trust - with Darryl Stickel

July 13, 2023

151 - Trust - with Darryl Stickel

“Almost all those trust literature treats people like rational actors. I don't know if you've met people before or not, but we're not always rational. Right?” — Darryl Stickel

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • A glimpse into Darryl's new book and his revolutionary, practical approach to building trust
  • How to establish a shared vision of excellence.
  • The fatal consequences of promoting a fear of making mistakes
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

  • "When you say, I'm gonna help you build trust, people think, oh my God, we're gonna hold hands, we're gonna walk across hot coals. There's gonna be this huge sense of woowoo, and maybe some peyote involved or something. I'm none of that, right? It's really a practical applied approach."— Darryl Stickel
  • "I wrote the book so that someone could just pick it up and read it, and get better at building trust."— Darryl Stickel
  • "Trust is the willingness to make yourself vulnerable when you can't completely predict how someone else is gonna behave. And so there's elements of uncertainty and vulnerability mixed in there."— Darryl Stickel
  • "There was this sense that people had to pull together or you wouldn't survive. That developed a sense in me that if I could help people, I should."— Darryl Stickel

How important is trust? Well, for you and me, it's important that you trust that I'm gonna bring you good information, or at the very least, that I'm gonna make the podcast entertaining and informative enough to be worth your time. As coaches and experts, trust is incredibly important between us and our clients because, well, how are they going to let us guide them or help them if they don't trust us to do that?

Trust is even more important in, gosh, almost every relationship that exists. Which is why I'm really excited to introduce you to my guest today, Darryl Stickel.

Darryl is one of the world's leading experts on trust. He's got over 20 years of experience and his PhD Building Trust in Hostile Environments from Duke University established him as a global leader for governments, businesses, and NGOs on practical approaches to building trust. Darryl has worked for McKinsey and Company in their Toronto office. He's advised the Canadian Military on trust building in Afghanistan.

He's served as faculty for the Luxembourg School of Business, and the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California, and he's recently completed his book, Building Trust: Exceptional Leadership in an Uncertain World.

Darryl's contribution to the field of trust has been recognized by his recent nomination to the top Thought Leaders on Trust by Trust Across America and Trust Around the World. This is going to be a very interesting conversation. I think you're gonna enjoy it.

Resources Mentioned:

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