Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Get a Better Start

June 22, 2023

If you want your day and your business to go better, you need to start them better. On today's episode, we'll talk about how you can make your day, your business, and your life a whole lot better, just by making two changes to how you start your day. Enjoy the episode.

"If you're feeling high stress in your business on a regular basis, you're gonna have difficulty making good long-term decisions. That's just how we're wired as human beings." — Jos Willard

This week on Profit for Coaches:

  • Two simple techniques to tweak your morning routine for calm and success
  • The best way to enjoy caffeine for better performance and sleep
  • Why bacon and eggs is truly a breakfast of champions
  • The FREE profitable practice scorecard!

Our Favorite Quotes:

"The science is very interesting on this because you don't even have to go to bed at the same time every night. You don't even have to sleep really well.. for this purpose." — Jos Willard

"Those two things will start your day off in a way that will give you more energy, clearer thought, less stress, and a nice buffer against all of the neurochemicals and other things that can go on in our head when we're looking at stressful situations."— Jos Willard

"The higher stress we're in, the more and more we will trade off good long-term decisions and good long-term payoffs, in order to get the short-term payoff of, escape from the danger. Or, escape from the pain."— Jos Willard
