War and Peace in just 7 years (WAPIN7)

War and Peace in just 7 years (WAPIN7)

64. No Weddings And No Funeral

September 22, 2021

Shy Moscovite Pierre (Hugh Grant) meets Moscovian Hélène (Andie MacDowell) at their own wedding and enjoys several months of marriage to her. The next time they meet, at their own house, Hélène is accompanied by a poor but amusing lover Dolokhov (Corin Redgrave), leaving Pierre heartbroken. Never mind, with the bald hills on the horizon, there's still time for him to win the love of his local sweetheart using anger, money, and shouting. This hugely popular comedy established Hugh Grant as Hollywood's favourite bumbling Russian and garnered Oscar nominations for Best Picture. ///patreon.com/wapin7 -  Would thou support the podcast!?wapin7.com/rate
