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#8 - Đảo Hải Tặc
September 09, 2020

PIRATE ISLAND I would to like to talk about our trip to Pirate Island.  You know, a couple of years ago, my buddies and I planned a trip by our motor scooters to Pirate archipelago which is considered one of the most remote and off the beaten track

#7 - Cuộc Gọi Chơi Khăm
September 09, 2020

Describe a time you received a call  I would like to talk about a prank call that I got from a total stranger a couple of months ago.  You know, on a nice sunday evening, when I was kind of chilling out, marathoning some TV series on Netflix,

#6 - Đồ Chơi Tuổi Thơ
September 09, 2020

TOY 1. What was your favorite toy in childhood? Well, to be honest, I was kind of a spoiled kid. I mean, my parents used to pamper me with all kinds of toys. And I remembered when I was a child, my buddies in my neighborhood and I usually played house, s

#5 - Thịt Kho Tàu
September 09, 2020

I would like to talk about Thit kho tau (TKT) which is among the signature foods in Vietnam. You know, TKT or Vietnamese braised pork belly in coconut water is one of the traditional dishes during Tet or Lunar New Year. And to the best of my knowledge, i

#4 - Chuyến Đi Bão Táp
September 09, 2020

I would like to talk about a time when my beloved motor scooter got a flat tire in somewhere like a ghost town.  You know, a couple of years ago, my friend and I were riding back home after a night out on the town, but don't get me wrong, we were no

#3 - Love And Marriage
September 09, 2020

1. If you are 35 years old without marriage, do you still wait for true love? I always believe “Learning to wait until everything falls into place is key to happiness”. So, If I still live my life in a lonely fashion by the time I turn 35, I will still de

#2 - What’s the weather like?
September 09, 2020

1.    What's the weather like where you live? Well, Vietnam is a tropical country, so it's usually hot and humid year round. And, in Southern cities like Cantho, we just enjoy two distinct seasons such as wet and dry season. You know, in ma

#1 - No More Worries When Talking About Work
September 09, 2020

WORK  1. Are you a student or are you working? Well, for the past couple of years, I've been working as an English private tutor at home and Dafuna company, which is among the top 4 service firms in Can Tho City. Many people consider teaching run-of

#0 Greeting
June 21, 2020

#0 - Greeting
