Talking In Bed

Talking In Bed

Latest Episodes

Roald Dahl and Chatgpt
May 20, 2023

Two topics that converge in an unexpected way shed light on the past and future. Email me at or find me on Instagram at @bambu_chute

Wuthering Heights
January 31, 2023

My favorite tid bits of this classic novel. Email me at or find me on Instagram at @bambu_chute

Say, say, say
January 03, 2023

Looking back and forward and figuring out (again) what I want to say. Email me at or find me on Instagram at @bambu_chute

How to start reading (again)
November 06, 2022

On the path to self-improvement, a thousand battles must be won. Email me at or find me in Instagram at @bambu_chute

Weaning Off Dope(amine)
September 30, 2022

Practical advice and a thoughtful exploration of our relationships with media. Email me at or find me on Instagram at @bambu_chute

Ipad Babies
August 11, 2022

Common sense and idolizing the past. Email me at or find me on Instagram at @bambu_chute

Stranger Things and the Use of Our Time
July 08, 2022

Continuing on from last month's discussion of how we decide to use our time, I put my theory to the test and watched Stranger Things. Email me at or find me on Instagram at @bambu_chute

Investing Your Time
June 12, 2022

How and where and why do you invest your time in different types of media? Let's explore. Email me at or find me on Instagram at @bambu_chute

The Last Episode (of the Season)!
June 07, 2022

It's time to say goodbye (to season 2)! And what better way to do it than talk about creativity and self-expression. Email me at or find me on Instagram at @bambu_chute

Stop Recycling Millenial vs. Gen Z Jokes
April 10, 2022

Stop!!! Here's a nice, long rant about this dead horse that's been beaten to a pulp. Email me at or follow me at @bambu_chute
