Your Creative Purpose with Minnie Lamberth

Your Creative Purpose with Minnie Lamberth

Latest Episodes

Love Is the Way
November 09, 2021

In Bishop Michael Curry's book, Love Is the Way, there's a chapter entitled "Making Do and Making New" in which he tells stories about his grandmother's kitchen. Her expertise in creating delicious so

Ordinary Miracles
October 27, 2021

New perspectives can come in the middle of an ordinary life and an ordinary day. And the changes that result can make a big difference -- one small step at a time.  

A Local Focus
October 14, 2021

There are enough opportunities in this present moment, in this very place, right where you are, to be a good neighbor and friend. 

The Evolution of Creativity
September 22, 2021

Creative ideas can merge across disciplines--and this is a story of how one set of thoughts went from mixed media to music to writing and back to mixed media based on music. 

An Unforgotten Turn of Phrase
September 16, 2021

Writing is a way to explore the themes that are important to your life--things that you believe or want to challenge. 

Old Ideas Never Die
September 09, 2021

Writing Projects that Evolve Over Time

How to Be a Freelancer
April 19, 2021

Any of us can use creativity to bring joy, beauty and other qualities into our lives. It doesn't have to have a marketplace component. But some of us may also want to pursue a career in the creative f

Qualities of Creativity
April 08, 2021

One thing your creativity will need is your optimism ... your belief that what you are doing has value, that you can figure it out as you go, and that these creative efforts will lead to a worthy outc

Your Secret Identity as a Creator
March 30, 2021

What area of creativity would you like to pursue? What is calling to you in terms of desire, hope, longing? Aligning your outer activities with your inner creator will help you affirm your creative id

Read the Room
October 22, 2020

When you want to pursue your creative purpose and make a difference in the world, it's a good idea to read the room. Not every offer of help is helpful. Even so, whatever room you're in may still offe
