There is Still Hope

There is Still Hope

Latest Episodes

CAPSIZED-Prophetic Dreams & Visions Episode 3
October 20, 2020

This is the third in a series of podcasts in which Beverly Rivers shares prophetic dreams and visions to encourage people to seek the Lord and stay close to Him in these last days.  One dream and it's relevance to the saints of God is shared in this

The Full Armor of God - Daily Affirmations
August 27, 2020

If you feel that you are in a daily fight to keep your heart and mind on those things that are lovely, honorable, and of good report, consider daily listening to and reciting these affirmations.  Put on the Full Armor of God! (Ephesians 6). --- Th

Heiress - Choose Your Friends Wisely
August 25, 2020

This is the final episode in the Heiress Series. In this episode we will examine our friendships.  In these modern times we must determine who is truly a friend and recognize healthy boundaries.  How many friends do you have?  Why do you ca

Heiress - Be Careful What You Wear!
July 02, 2020

Let's talk about MODESTY!  What do your clothes say about who you are? This is episode 2 of 3 in the Heiress series, a follow up to the Retreat message entitled : You Are An Heir - So Be Royal!  The title of this episode is:  Heiress - BE C

Heiress - Be Careful Where You Go!
June 24, 2020

This podcast is part 1 of 3 as a follow up to the message You Are and Heir! So, Be Royal!    Today's message is Heiress - Be Careful Where You Go!   We discuss how important a woman's role is in the family and how we are a part of

You Are an Heir! So, Be Royal!
June 23, 2020

In this podcast Beverly Rivers, the facilitator, reminds us that Christians are Heirs, must walk like an Heir, live like an Heir, be an Heir.  Here the listener will learn that one must not live, dress, and act like the world but follow the example o
