Intuitive Conversations

Intuitive Conversations

Latest Episodes

Somewhere in the void
November 26, 2023

I did not expect my first episode after a long hiatus to be this, but it is Ill leave it at that.

Herbalist - Perspective Shift!
January 19, 2021

So we all heard about the amazing benefits of Seamoss but its time to cut back on it, and put the spot light back on best practices of herbalism!

How to use this Capricorn New Moon Energy
January 13, 2021

Restructuring the next 6 months under this energy is amplified by the Saturn|Jupiter conjunction. How to use it!?

Happy New Moon - Restructuring Self-Care
January 13, 2021

Happy New Moon, today I highlight all the amazing products and services we offer at check us out for all your SelfLove tips & tricks! Peace!

Saturn | Jupiter Conjunction & Winter Solstice 2020
December 16, 2020

Get ready to build your legacy!!

Mars Retrograde | Fight Smarter
September 15, 2020

The stagnant low energy/motivation your feeling - is not happening without reason! Be strategic & smart, old ways are not suggested during this transit.

Intuitive Concepts | Vulnerability is a super power!
August 29, 2020

The Dopest Manifestation happen under moments of Vulnerability. The flower grows under extreme circumstances!

Embrace the Unpredictable
August 29, 2020

Let go of HOW your manifestations show up, and embrace the unknown. We limit ourselves when you put expectations on our growth.

Intuitive Concepts
August 26, 2020

Uranus is influencing the abandonment of the New Age Community.

New Moon! New You!
August 19, 2020

Take a look around, take notice of everything. What you are looking at, is a reflection of your current existence. Dont like it? Lets change it!
