Wanda-Full Utterances: Words To Live By

Wanda-Full Utterances: Words To Live By

Latest Episodes

Find the Right Game (For YOUR Life)!
July 08, 2020

This episode challenges you to ask yourself, "Am I in the RIGHT game of life to become the winner I know I'm born to be"? YOU CAN ENTER the RIGHT GAME!!! Today's Your Day!

Microaggression: Take a Knee to It!
July 07, 2020

A discussion of ways we unintentionally demonstrate prejudice in every arena against people of color or those we consider "inferior or unacceptable" without knowing it! We talk about the definition and how to rise above microaggression and the power of ou

"Today is the Day" from the book of Jim Stovall
June 30, 2020

Inspirational "utterances" from Wanda Rochelle Holland, msw, reminding you of the opportunities laid out before you and within your grasp during this pandemic when you choose your vision over blinding distractions. --- This episode is sponsored by · A

Wanda-Full Utterances: Don't You Quit
June 23, 2020

Words of encouragement through this season of change
