Woodside Bible Church Lapeer

Woodside Bible Church Lapeer

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Elijah, A Man of Faith - Elijah: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church Lapeer
August 07, 2023

Sometimes it is a struggle trusting God, taking Him at His word, and believing that what God wants is best for me. This comes from wanting to be in control. Because in control of life, one can be confident everything will happen how they want it to. We ha

How can we defend our faith when talking to unbelievers?
August 01, 2023

Have you ever been met with the question; why are you a Christian? The outside world loves to ask that question, for curiosity or possibly to prove you wrong. It can be very intimidating to feel like all the pressure to defend your faith and want to do

What happens to babies, kids, or people with special needs when they die?
July 25, 2023

Its one of the most tragic and misunderstood trials a parent can face, losing their child. While plagued with grief, questions are flooding their minds. What happened to our child? Are they with Jesus? How are we supposed to know if they are ok? In our

Asking For A Friend: Is Anxiety a Sin?
July 17, 2023

Is anxiety or being anxious, a sin? Anxiety is an issue of giving weight to the things we care about. If we give the proper weight to the proper things, then our anxiety over them is not sin. But if we give improper weight to things, our anxiety could be

The Great Return - Revelation: Part 7 - Woodside Bible Church Lapeer
July 10, 2023

We prepare for tests, parties, job interviews, house projects, and difficult conversations. Preparation is a part of our lives. But how often do we think about preparing for paradise? In Revelation: All Things New, we’ll discover a glorious description of

All Things New - Revelation: Part 5 - Woodside Bible Church Lapeer
June 28, 2023

We all love a good story! Maybe even more specifically, one with a hero and a happy ending! Its the classic adventure we sometimes relate and reflect within our own liveswe face antagonists, weakness, trial or even deathand then we come out of the abys

Looking Up to Our Father: Father's Day Message - Woodside Bible Church Lapeer
June 19, 2023

If someone were to ask you what the word father means to you, your answer may be vastly different than the person next to you. In fact, everyone may have a slightly different view based on your relationship with your father or if you are a father. Our w

The End of Evil - Revelation: Part 4 - Woodside Bible Church Lapeer
June 12, 2023

Who gets the last word? In so many aspects, we see that the last word comes from a place of authority. In a court case, the jury makes the decision. At work, your boss makes the final decision. In a game, the referee makes the call. At church, we learn th

Welcome to the New Millennium - Revelation: Part 3 - Woodside Bible Church Lapeer
June 05, 2023

For many Christians worldwide, the threat of persecution is a constant reality in their following of Jesus. While we do not have those same experiences in the West, it is important to remember what our brothers and sisters face in other parts of the world

The Return of the King - Revelation: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church Lapeer
May 30, 2023

What will it be like when Jesus returns at his second coming? Have you ever thought about that? Whats the impact of his return, and what should our response be? Today we continue our message series! In Revelation: All Things New, well discover a gloriou
