Divine Transmissions

Divine Transmissions

Latest Episodes

Deep Heart Meditation
April 28, 2020

This is a deep heart chakra guided meditation & healing. Follow this meditation allow the energy & sound healing to open your heart chakra.

Connection To Source - Divine Transmission - #14
April 20, 2020

Our connection to Source, to Self, is the ultimate connection. Within this space we are aligned, clear, and grounded. Lisa Marie, Shakti Ma, will guide you into the space of presence and then assist you in connecting to Source energy or the Self. L

Forgiveness Meditation/Healing - Divine Transmission #13
April 20, 2020

In this new world, we want to create compassion and acceptance. In order to do this, we must forgive. Forgiveness starts with the self. Through this healing, Lisa Marie will guide you through the forgiveness of self through your multidimensional expres

Obtain Clarity - Divine Transmission Meditation/Healing - #12
April 19, 2020

Lisa Marie guides us through a healing of our Multidimensional Self, so that we may have more clarity in our lives. Through a divine channeled transmission coming through Lisa Marie, we will engage breathe work and align our bodies into the frequency of a

Consciousness, Unconditional Love, Suffering, Manifestation
March 30, 2020

Lisa Marie - Shakti Ma is interviewed on Kuhs Denver by Paul Lane. They covered a variety of topics within the subject of ascension & consciousness. What is Unconditional Love? Who are we? What is Consciousness? Is suffering necessary? How do we man

Fear & Finances - Weekly Intuitive 3.30 - 5.420
March 30, 2020

The vagus nerve is a system of nerves that runs from our gut to our brain. It is a massive component of our flight or fight response. Humanity has been working in "survivial" mode for a very long time and has even been addicted to this way of being. Ri

Weekly Intuitive 3.9 - 3.16
March 11, 2020

Lisa Marie, Shakti Ma, brings information for the coming week. This week the message is to keep our eyes "wide open". When we are able to be present, we are able to see much more of our experience. Lisa Marie, aka Shakti Ma, channels the Divine Mother

Ego Alignment - Divine Transmission Healing/Meditation #11
March 11, 2020

Ego alignment is necessary in this world in order to be effective. Lisa Marie will move us through meditation and healing so that we may come into alignment with our higher selves. Using breathe and awareness, Lisa Marie will guide us through chakras to c

Wounded Warrior - Alignment
March 04, 2020

Lisa Marie has been divinely called to speak to the wounded warrior within us. In this video, she will speak break us into presence with our warrior, which may be hard to be with. She will lead us to see that the fear we have is an illusion and just a st

Distrust Healing/Meditation - Divine Transmission #10
March 04, 2020

Lisa Marie invites us for a healing around the frequency of distrust. In this session, we will dive deep into the feeling and experience of distrust, in order so that we can transmute and shift the energy into the direction of trust. Lisa Marie will enter
