Red Rocks Austin

Red Rocks Austin

Latest Episodes

A Jacket and A Journal
June 25, 2023

In the final week of 2nd Timothy, Ryan breaks down how to: focus on our fight, keep the faith, and finish our race.

Let the Truth Have It’s Day
June 18, 2023

Read this letter as Timothy, so that you can become Paul.

The Soldier, The Athlete, & The Farmer
June 11, 2023

Doug continues our 2 Timothy series by teaching from 2 Timothy 2. He points out that Paul gives Timothy three faith mindsets he needs in order to continue in his mission to preach the Gospel: The Sold

Fan the Flame
June 04, 2023

This week Ryan explains how to fan the flame of our faith and three important things we can utilize to keep the flame going: prayer, the Bible, and people.

Unpack Your Bags
May 28, 2023

Lets go be the church!But why?

What to Do When the Church Hurts You
May 21, 2023

This week Doug outlines the steps to heal from Church hurt. Remember Reality. The Church Isnt God, its Imperfect People. Dont stay bitter. Make the Church Better. Dont Rehearse it. Dont Revenge i

Give What You Got
May 14, 2023

As God builds the church our generosity accelerates the process. During this weeks message, Ryan breaks down Acts 3:1-10 to show us how to use our time, talents, and treasure to build Gods Kingdom.

I'm Already Dead
April 30, 2023

What happens when we are fully devoted to Jesus? Acts 2 has the answer.

Your Faith Needs to Get Out More
April 23, 2023

On a scale of of 1-10 what is your boldness level? The last few years our faith has been held captive, when it was meant to run wild. This week Doug explains what it means to have the Holy Spirit empo

Five Functions of the Holy Spirit
April 16, 2023

There is no natural explanation for the church, but there is a supernatural one. In week 1 of We the Church, Ryan talks about who the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit does in our lives.
